In case I exceed my plan quota, what is the price of extra GBs consumption?

In case you exceed the quota of your metered plan, please note that you can add extra GBs for 3,000 LBP per GB.

How can i uncap my plan, add extra GBs or upgrade your plan

Contact us on [email protected] or pass by our office.

Can i add Booster to my plan?

Yes sure. Contact us on [email protected] or by whatsapp

In case I will be out of town for a while, what will be the fee of freezing my account?

Kindly note that the freezing fee will be 100,000L.L

What are the payment methods?

You can pay your fees through Whish Money, OMT or one of our POS

Is Quota cumulative?

The quota of cycle is not cumulative, and the remaining GBs will be lost at the end of cycle.

When will I have to pay for my subscription?

All our Bundles are Pre-Paid Bundles. All clients must pay their subscription in the beginning of each month. (A delay of 5 days is acceptable, any further delays will lead to the stopping of the subscription).

Can I submit for ADSL Plan through TediNet?

Yes you can, Contact us on [email protected] to submit your request, or send us a message on the website.

How can i change my wifi password?

Contact us during office hours or pass by the office.

Does TediNet offer daily wifi service?

Yes we do, contact us for more info.